email at

Friday, August 9, 2024




Robert Repischak

Racine County Courthouse

730 Wisconsin Ave.

Racine Wi. 53403                                                                         8-8-2024


Case # 22CF1223

Judge Repischak,


Since notifying the court of termination of my attorneys on July 17th, 2024 and requesting the court for an opt-in code to manage my court case, the court has played coy, released a forged court document # 1 which contained an invalid opt-in code # 66abc7. The court than used the U.S. mail to forward to me a forged court document # 1, committing mail fraud.  As of this date, your court egregiously continues to deny me access to my court files for self-defense.


You are a disingenuous Judge unworthy of public service.  I thought Judge Ptacek was bad in my trumped up civil disorderly case in 2011, when in that time the infamous D.A. Mike Neiskes ordered officer Scott Ratkowski to cite me when I removed the keys to a trespassers vehicle, protecting our family property in 2011.

Do you remember how that case turned out after Mike Neiskes filed a false affidavit and Tom Christensen of the Racine County Communications Center tampered with the 911 call. The case was dismissed with prejudice and Mike’s name was trash in the community, truth prevails.  Corrupt Judge Gerald Ptacek failed to hold either government official accountable.        


On March 1st, 2024 during my hearing in open court, you denied me  

my rights by refusing me permission to address the court.  I had planned to address the court of my Sui Juris affidavit filed into the court record on 2-20-2024.  Instead of allowing me to speak, you denied me permission to speak to the court and immediately, yes immediately adjourned court. What did you fear in that affidavit.  An affidavit is evidence in court, is it not?


The court record indicates the affidavit was rejected by the court without discussion from me.  It’s now part of the court record.  In July, your court was caught altering the official WCCA on line court record, changing out document #1 by forging an invalid Pro se opt-in code 66abc7.  A criminal investigation by the Racine County sheriff department was requested and an investigation has been started by investigator Eric Schneider, complaint # 24-38339.  The open records request directed to your attention, filed on 8-2-2024 is a blueprint for investigator Schneider to follow to seek the truth concerning your court’s record tampering.


Do you really think that investigator Schneider is going “to buy” your story of forged document # 1 ?  that I requested the “original document”?  As you should know, tampering and forging court documents are serious felony criminal offenses.  In your haste to railroad me, your court has made serious breaches of misconduct which are now being exposed.  Attempting to coverup your mistakes now compound your problems, Mens rea is now provable concerning the courts misconduct.   Your issuance of a warrant for my arrest after being notified I couldn’t or wouldn’t attend your single offered scheduled court date, while offering 3 different dates and times to my fired attorneys prove your bias and maliciousness directed towards me as a Sui Juris defendant.   You have abused your power, and in doing so further exposes your unfitness as a judge.     


As General Patton famously stated,  “May God have mercy on my enemies, because I won’t”.


Who really are the criminals ? 

Josh Kaul illegally smurfs over a million dollar into his campaign.  Gerald Ptacek in his role of a Wisconsin Ethics Commissioner dismisses Kaul’s complaint.                          Your court forges court documents    Click on the pics to reveal details.

 Janel Brandtjen just recently received additional correspondence concerning illegal voting .  MyVote is still unhinged, promoting voter fraud despite exposing the vulnerabilities of MyVote over 2 years ago.  A user name and password are still not required, MyVote is designed for fraud.  I am no longer waiting for justice. 

 Your judicial misconduct on March 1st and the forging of court documents will be directly addressed by me in court on August 16th, 2024.   Know this, I don’t fear you, I now loathe you.  I am fully aware of my actions and possible consequences, attending court in shackles and cuffs wearing an orange jumpsuit in court, could be quite a show.  Should you now plan to adjourn court, the public will see what a coward and shit show your court is.  I am fully prepared to pay whatever price is necessary in order to expose your rogue court.    We the people have a republic to save. You may have the short term pleasure in railroading me, but the long-term outlook is very bleak for your court.

 Judge Repischak, you are in good company with legal whores Kristen Cafferty and Faye Flancher who doesn’t enforce veracity before the court, violating SCR 20.3.3.   Cafferty and Flancher allowed shyster attorney Thomas Camilli with the law firm of Godin, Geraghty, Puntillo, Camilli & Hughes to file with impunity a contested false affidavit into case # 20FA15, court document # 37, filed 6-29-2021.  Faye Flancher even had the audacity to state in court “it doesn’t matter if he did or did not”.   (Court case # 20PR15, court transcripts dated October 3rd, 2023, page 38.)

How low can they go ?  Judge Gagthebitch (Gasiorkiewicz) committed crimes when conducting secret court against Sandy Weidner in an effort to thwart Sandy from acquiring public records. Case # 17CV1644   Can’t make this shit up. Sandy was awarded over $35,000 dollars in legal fees, should have been paid out of Scott Letteny and Gagthebitch’s pockets

 As a seasoned court observer, I watched you in criminal court railroad Steven Lambert and Dennis Hamm.  You will find me to be a much more organized, advocating & asserting defendant who now is filled with contempt with the criminal acts of your court.   

 Respectfully submitted,

  /S/ Harry Wait


Harry Wait
4353 Shianne Street
Union Grove, Wi. 53182

Ph. 262-770-9796



Patricia Hanson,

Sheriff Schmaling,

Investigator Eric Schneider,

Ann Klecha,

HOT Government,

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