email at

Tuesday, June 30, 2020

An open letter to Kenosha Circuit Court Judge
 Chad Kerkman

Judge Chad Kerkman

Judge Kerkman,

With great interest I watched today's ZOOM hearing. 
I must say I was disappointed with your handling of the opening of the case.

I wish to express ways for you to provide a better hearing environment using ZOOM or phone in service..

1. Before the hearing starts, provide all participants with rules of expected conduct and direct when each participant can speak.

2. Have each participant identify themselves each time they address the court.

3. When you inadvertently disconnect a participant, take the time to reconnect the participant to the ZOOM platform.

Follow these few suggestions and you may provide for a fair hearing.

FYI, I was truly outraged by your conduct of muting Plaintiff Sandy Weidner. Sandy has and had a right to address the court today and was going to provide a brief statement before court proceedings began.

There is something seriously wrong with a court that "gags" the plaintiff, represented or not.

You disconnected Attorney Hinkston from the ZOOM Platform and made no attempts to reconnect him, and then mute Sandy, your conduct just doesn't sit well with me.

Being Sandy came out of jurisdictions who engaged in ethical and criminal misconduct against her,including engaging in illegal secret proceedings, I most certainly expected better judicial discretion from your court.

Harry Wait
4353 Shianne Street
Union Grove,Wi. 53182

Thursday, June 18, 2020

Frank Lamping
Frank Lamping

Union Grove has lost a pillar within the community with
today's passing of Frank Lamping.

Frank had battled cancer for the last several years while maintaining an active schedule of community service.

We featured Frank twice in 2016 and 2017 as a truly exceptional individual within our community.
He was the 19th. inductee into the Green Bay Packer's 
FAN Hall of fame
You may read about him here:

Frank embodied public service to an extreme
 - Pro Bono Publico -
freely sharing his time for the advancement and betterment 
of our community.
Frank was active in Lions Club, Relay for Life, History Seekers and several more local organizations.

We had the privilege to visit with Frank on Tuesday.
He was bed ridden but awake and cognizant of his surroundings, cancer had been sucking the life out of him.
But his spirit was alive and well.
When asked who will be filling his shoes, he pointed his finger at me, I said no no no, nobody can replace you.

Upon leaving, Frank mustered up the strength  to say 
"thank you".... 

Frank was Union Grove's very own "George Bailey" of the movie
"It's a Wonderful Life".
 Always giving to the community, focused on faith, family and friends rather than the other distractions of life.

THANK YOU....... 
Frank Lamping for your years of service and dedication to make our community a better place to live.


Saturday, June 13, 2020


Art Howell
Chief of Police
City of Racine

Unknown to RCC at the time we sent an open letter
 to Police Chief Art Howell, we belittled the Chief for his silence after being accused of harboring white supremacist  murderers 
within his department.

We were promptly informed that our take of the silence was wrong and we want to make it right. 

Truth be known, Chief Howell had been very active using diplomatic channels to prop his officers and address the outrageous and unsubstantiated attack by Police and Fire commission board member and REU president Angelina Cruz.
Angelina Cruz
REU President
City of Racine Police and Fire commission board member

Chief Howell wisely used diplomatic channels rather than the press to address Ms. Cruz's unsubstantiated statements. 

Being there was no public dialogue by the chief concerning Cruz's statements, we assumed that Cruz had gotten a free pass to say whatever she wants to say about law enforcement. 

We are pleased to say Cruz is currently under heavy scrutiny by the public and numerous members and supporters of law enforcement.

Sorry Chief for getting it wrong.

A public letter to 

Harry Wait

10:51 AM (0 minutes ago)
to RacineCory
Good morning Art,

I know you have been extremely busy since the beginning of the month.
There appears to be many within our country and community who would prefer anarchy over civilized life.
That being said, effective law enforcement needs the public support more than ever.
As you have acquiesced  to the mayor's demand of transferring $47,000 from your department for another survey and such, I view the transfer of funds having little impact upon your office and only as a pirate victory for the Mayor.  Sadly, the 47,000 dollars will be squandered as the mayor continues to covertly attack you and your department. 

Angelina Cruz has used the REU platform to indirectly accuse you of having white supremacist murderers within your organization. The silence by your office regarding these accusations is disheartening. At very least you should stand up for your department, call out Ms.Cruz to identify the alleged murderers by name and force her to back her smack. As a Police and Fire commission board member, Angelina Cruz must be held accountable to a higher standard for her words, If left unchallenged, Ms. Cruz 's statements will continue to fester within the community, compromising the integrity and capacity of your office to serve and protect.

That's my view. 


Thursday, June 11, 2020


In a recent REU statement, City of Racine Police and Fire Commission board appointee Angelina Cruz illuminated the already known RUSD school to prison pipeline, insinuating it is the police's fault

Angelina Cruz was appointed to the Police and Fire Commission by Mayor Mason in 2019 as an apparent diversity appointee. 

Other than a mouthpiece for Cory Mason, she lacks any relevant experiences or qualifications to act on the 
police and fire commission board. 
Angelina Cruz
Racine Education Union (REU) President &
Racine Police and Fire Commission board appointee

In a recent statement by Ms. Cruz, she used her position as president of REU to ambush and indirectly accuse City of Racine police Chief Art Howell of harboring white supremacist murderers within his department. 
Art Howell
Chief of Police

She further used the REU platform to attack other police agencies as well whom diligently serve the Racine Unified School District.  These attacks are counter intuitive and counterproductive in her position as a Police and Fire Commission board member. 

Acting as a Masonette mouthpiece, you now know that she is part of the greater movement within City Hall to remove Howell from office and forward the anti-police movement.

We find Angelina Cruz's statements to be vile, misinformed and misdirected as a Police and Fire commission board member.

 Angelina Cruz is unfit for public service and should be removed from the Racine Police and Fire Commission.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020


Judge Eugene Gasiorkiewicz voted worst judge in Racine County three years running and  

Facts are Eugene Gasiorkiewicz remains a judge despite  committing criminal acts as a judge.
Judge Eugene Gasiorkiewicz
Racine County Circus Court

 Known as the "go to judge" for the City of Racine, Gagthebitch earned his circus name by conducting illegal secret court 
in the nationally infamous court case 
Weidner vs. City of Racine.

Racine County Case Number 2017CV001644 Sandra J Weidner vs. City of Racine

 You may read more about it here:

And here:

Gagthebitch acted in a most bias and prejudiced way for the city of Racine and against Sandy Weidner. Gagthebitch illegally denied Sandy Weidner's right to amend her complaint,  sealed the court record and conducted illegal secret hearings, all while maintaining a court ordered "gag" on the entire case.

Litigants could not even acknowledge the case existed.
The complete sealing of the court record included the party names, court case docketing number and no public notices 
of conducting court, all contrary to Wisconsin laws 
and the U. S. Constitution.

These secret courts were a favorite of the Nazi party during the 30's and 40's to control the narratives of the Nazi organization.

 Now you should understand who Gagthebitch idolizes and serves along with his comrades at the city of Racine.

Gagthebitch did not adhere to the laws of our country and state regarding Sandy's case. Like the Nazi's, Gagthebitch put the local political party before country. 

Gagthebitch is a vile and morally corrupted judge and is unfit for public service !

The wayward saga of Eugene Gasiorkiewicz 
continues as he finds new ways to silence the truth. 

According to the host at the Wisconsin courts email address, you have to receive permission to communicate with him, even if you have a court case scheduled before his court. 

Here is a message I received via email in response
 to recuse him as a judge.

<>: host[]
    said: 554 5.7.105 SenderFilterAgent; Sender denied as sender's email
    address is on SenderFilterConfig list (in reply to end of DATA command)

For the record, is a public email address, paid for by the taxpayers for use in court communications, business, court proceedings and other necessary functions to conduct court.

Gagthebitch violates the first Amendment of the U.S. Constitution by thwarting the ability of the public to petition him on publicly designated email systems.

Judges, both individually and collectively must respect and honor the judicial office as a public trust.  Judges must strive to maintain the trust and confidence of the legal system. The effectiveness of the judiciary rests ultimately on the trust and confidence that the people confer upon judges.

Judge Eugene Gasiorkiewicz has violated the public trust and needs to be removed from office.

 Eugene Gasiorkiewicz is a known criminal who continues to hold a public office despite committing crimes while acting as a judge, thus making the Racine County Courthouse 
a mockery of justice.

George Carlin wants to speak to you!
Garbage in - Garbage out

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Are Law Enforcement snipers 
positioned on city building rooftops ?

According to numerous sources, law enforcement snipers have positioned themselves on strategically located rooftops around the cities of Racine and Kenosha. 

The snipers can provide ground forces with valuable intel as the roving mobs plunder the cities into further chaos.

We have not confirmed any shots fired as of yet by these snipers.

Swat team members have been out in force with riot control gear to quash numerous disturbances as they have occurred. 

Law enforcement on the ground are using non lethal shotgun deployed hard "bean bags" to discourage "non compliance"  orders from LEO's (law enforcement officer).

According to our sources, numerous "bean bag" discharges have been directed to anyone who remains disobedient to directives from law enforcement officers.

Ouch, that has got to hurt !

You haven't read any of this in the local newspaper !

Honest Open Transparent

Monday, June 1, 2020

        May 28th. Murder victim 
"T J" Identified

Trevor Jackson of the 1600 block of Flett street was killed with an air pellet rifle by one of his disgruntled drug customers.

Now that is something you won't read in the 
Racine Journal Times.

Read more here:

As the Racine Journal Times continue to ignore news stories within Racine County, the Milwaukee Journal is expanding their roles into unserved news markets such as Racine.

Watch Talking Racine with information about the RUSD Billion Dollar Referendum the 
local newspaper won't report.