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Sunday, November 16, 2014

Pig in a Polk
Pig with the Polk
Pig poking Polk
Or whatever foolish line you may come up with this old proverb, the sheeple of Racine has bought into another confidence trick by the Racine Police Department.
The comparison of the old saying Pig in a Poke to the 11-01-2014 police killing of Kurt Hanson’s dog fits perfectly.
For more information about the origins of this saying click the following Wikipedia link

It appears the public are moving about as sheeple just as Racine Police Chiefless Art Howell and his occupying army planned, with the exception of the Racine County District Attorney’s office. The sheeple plan was going smoothly until a two hour surveillance video of the gun vs. machete event on Hanson’s property was delivered to the D.A.’s office.

With video evidence in hand, the D.A.’s office forced The Racine Police Department into an investigation.

RCC is does not have specific details of the conversations between the two offices but we are diligently seeking those records.

Sheeple go about their business believing government is here to serve you, without questioning even glaring acts of negligence and aggression of the occupying army.

PIG in a POKE is what the Racine sheeple have bought into at RPD. When shots of aggression are fired at sheeple by RPD, the sheeple look at themselves with a blank stare and say it wasn’t me, then go about their lives grazing as one after another sheeple victim goes down. Racine sheeple have few shepherds to protect them when the police wolves strike.


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