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Sunday, November 30, 2014

A new site featuring video evidence will illuminate the ineptness, negligence and maliciousness of the Racine Police Department.

The video evidence of the Polk vs. Hanson altercation was not sought out by Racine Police before they took action against Mr. Hanson.

The video evidence will illuminate an armed aggressor entering Mr. Hanson's property, and an armed altercation over dog poop ensuing. The gun toting aggressor on Mr. Hanson's property is Brian Polk . Mr. Hanson defended himself with a machete. 

Due to the ineptness, negligence or conspiracy of the Racine Police Department against Mr. Hanson and his dog, the Racine Police Department shot Mr. Hanson's dog in the middle of his yard.

The new site will be completed in the next few days. 

Thank you fellow Racine citizens who stood up, provided evidence and statements. Without the watchful eye of the public, the truth cannot be exposed.

Here is a word Art Howell and his staff should learn the true meaning of: 
Patience  Integrity Guts 

Patience - the capacity to accept or tolerate delay,trouble or suffering without getting angry or upset. 
Had the Racine Police Department took the time to conduct a proper investigation, a different outcome and a different person would have been arrested.
Integrity- the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles.
Art Howell and his staff misled and lied to the public about an internal review and investigation of the incident taking place. Had a review and investigation really been conducted by his department of the incident, the video evidence would have been found by the internal police investigation.  Instead, video evidence of the altercation was collected and submitted directly to the D.A.'s office by private citizens 12 days later.
Guts - personal courage and determination, toughness of character
Art Howell is a coward to face the reality of his departments ineptness, negligence and cowardness.  An armed SWAT police cowardly killed a 30 pound dog that posed no threats.
No personal courage there.

Resign Now

HUHA Howell

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