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Monday, August 19, 2024


Judge Repischak doesn’t appear at hearing

and I’m wearing the bling

Racine County Circuit Case # 22CF1223


Judge Repischak didn’t appear at his court scheduled hearing on 8-16-2024 at 1:30 pm.   Emails between the court and defendant confirm the court date was etched in stone.

Judge Repischak took the cowardly way out knowingly I was prepared to metaphorically rip his face off during the August 16th, 2024 hearing. Know this, I don’t fear Judge Repischak, I loathe him.

Judge Repischak failed to notify the defendant that court was cancelled, but he took the time to remove the August 16th date from WCCA records, placing me in a catch 22.  There is no obligation for a litigant to follow WCCA online records. Without a notice of cancellation or change of dates from the court, I am required to attend the scheduled court event.  But in the interest of my supporters, I notified the public the court had taken the case off of it’s calendar.


The showdown was imminent, Defendant appeared at court for his scheduled hearing only to find the courtroom lights were off and the courtroom door was lock.  Should you decide to investigate my claims, just look into the WCCA court record and try to find a cancellation notice for the August 16th hearing within the court files, there isn’t any. 

Court was being held next door, so 4 court observers & I attended Judge Fredrickson’s (the only judge I trust) hearing long enough to hear the court case being called to order.   After hearing the case # being called, we left the courtroom and proceeded down the hallway, up the stairs to exit the building.  That’s when I was detained, refinger printed, remugshot, for not appearing at an impromptu scheduled August 1st hearing which I notified the court I would not be attending and further notified the court I would be attending the August 16th hearing date. I am now wearing an ankle bracelet installed for my next Friday 23rd hearing in Elkhorn.  

Judge Repischak joins the infamous list of disingenuous judges in Racine County who think they are Gods, not subject to the scrutiny of the public. Repischak joins the family of corrupt judges, such as legal whores Kristen Cafferty and Faye Flancher who allowed shyster attorney Thomas Camilli, then a partner in the law firm of Godin, Geraghty, Puntillo, Camilli & Hughes to file a contested false affidavit into the court record (Racine County case # 20PR15, court document # 37)with impunity.   Let us not forget to mention the King of corruption, Judge Eugene Gagthebitch himself, who conducted illegal secret court in the case of Sandy Weidner vs. City of Racine.

(Racine County Circuit Court case # 17CV1644). 

A case where an open records request turned into a secret court, where the court docketing # & dates of the hearings, and the litigants names were not published on WCCA online records. Sandy Weidner was being set up in Gagthebitch’s court. Judge Gagthebitch was protecting Mayor Cory Mason & City attorney Scott Letteney conducting illegal acts.

A MOTION TO INTERVENE had to be filed to open the court record to public scrutiny, to protect litigant Sandy Weidner from the evil and corrupt pay to play Racine County Circuit Court system. Judge Gasiorkiewicz committed crimes conducting the secret court, but he was never brought to justice.   Judge Gagthebitch will live with his corrupt ways for infamy, or as Judge Gagthebitch complains "ad nauseam".


The ankle bracelet is a great conversational piece, the bracelet opens conversations to further expose the corruption of the Racine County Circus Court.  It’s like wearing a badge of honor.

Who are the real criminals ?

click on the pics to reveal the details

See Josh Kaul's illegal smurfing.

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